"As you know, I believe that the teaching that women was created in paradise to be a submissive and man the leader is wrong. To teach that the ideal human dyad is composed of a submissive and a dominant is diametrically pposed to every single recorded teaching of Christ."
Here are Grudem and Piper's thoughts in a complementarian response:
"...Where does Jesus say or do anything that criticizes the order of creation in which men bear a primary responsibility to lead, protect, and sustain? Nothing He did calls this good order into question." --John Piper and Wayne Grudem, quoted from Chapter Two (Question 18) of Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.
1. Does the creation account clearly teach what Grudem and Piper claim it does, or would it be more accurate for the complementarian position to say it may imply it?
2. Do the teachings of Christ support or refute the idea that in the original community of humans (male and female) and therefore in the ideal, God designed one to be ruler and the other to be ruled? [Insert preferred terminology: dominant/submissive, leader/submissive helper, etc].